Saturday 11 January 2014


1.Describe as many source of information as you can think of that should be consulted in order to perform a domain analysis for each of the following systems.
a.       Airline Reservation System
b.      The investments System
  1. You are developing a system for managing the processes of a small town public library. List all the actors for this system.
  2. An organization has three categories of employees : Professional staff, technical staff and support staff. The organization also has departments and divisions. Each employee belongs to either a departments or a divisions. Draw a class diagram corresponding to this. Assume that there will be different attributes or operations in all the classes, and that people will never need to change from one category to another.
  3. Show a hierarchy of vehicle parts. Show how this hierarchy might be better represented using the General Hierarchy pattern.
  4. Imaging you were planning to develop the following types of software projects. What different kinds of users should you anticipate? Consider each of the issues mentioned.
a.       An air – traffic control system
b.      A payroll system
  1. Develop E-R diagram for the following
a.       Customers make orders
b.      People work in departments
c.       Customers buy items
d.      Deliveries of parts are made to customers.
  1. The list of problems that are to be attempted during the prescribed lab sessions
a.       Project Planning
b.      Requirement Analysis
c.       Design
d.      Testing

  1. Data flow model of a car assembly plant.
  2. Assume that the size of an organic type software product has been estimated to be 32.000 lines of source code. Assume that the average salary of software engineers is Rs.15,000 per month. Determine the effort required to develop the software product and the nominal development time.
  3. How to document the Functional Requirements?
a.       Withdraw Cash from ATM
b.      Search Availability in Library
  1. Draw level 0 (context level) and level 1 data flow diagrams for the following students’ Academic Record Management Software.
a.       A set of course are created . Each course consists of a unique course number, number of credits, and the syllabus.
b.      Students are admitted to courses. Each student’s details include roll number, address, semester number and the courses registered for the semester.
c.       The marks of a student for various units credited are keyed in.
d.      Once the marks are keyed in, the SWA (semester weighted average) is calculated.
e.       The recent marks of a student are added to his previous marks and a weighted average based on the credit points for various units is calculated.
f.        The marks for the current semester are formatted and printed.
  1. State chart diagram for an order object.

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