C++ Keywords:
auto declare a local variablebool declare a boolean variable
break break out of a loop
case a block of code in a switch statement
catch handles exceptions from throw
char declare a character variable
class declare a class
const declare immutable data or functions that do not change data
const_cast cast from const variables
continue bypass iterations of a loop
default default handler in a case statement
delete make memory available
do looping construct
double declare a double precision floating-point variable
dynamic_cast perform runtime casts
else alternate case for an if statement
enum create enumeration types
explicit only use constructors when they exactly match
export allows template definitions to be separated from their declarations
extern tell the compiler about variables defined elsewhere
false the boolean value of false
float declare a floating-point variable
for looping construct
friend grant non-member function access to private data
goto jump to a different part of the program
if execute code based off of the result of a test
inline optimize calls to short functions
int declare a integer variable
long declare a long integer variable
mutable override a const variable
namespace partition the global namespace by defining a scope
new allocate dynamic memory for a new variable
operator create overloaded operator functions
private declare private members of a class
protected declare protected members of a class
public declare public members of a class
register request that a variable be optimized for speed
return return from a function
short declare a short integer variable
signed modify variable type declarations
sizeof return the size of a variable or type
static create permanent storage for a variable
static_cast perform a nonpolymorphic cast
struct define a new structure
switch execute code based off of different possible values for a variable
template create generic functions
this a pointer to the current object
throw throws an exception
true the boolean value of true
try execute code that can throw an exception
typedef create a new type name from an existing type
typeid describes an object
typename declare a class or undefined type
union a structure that assigns multiple variables to the same memory location
unsigned declare an unsigned integer variable
using import complete or partial namespaces into the current scope
virtual create a function that can be overridden by a derived class
void declare functions or data with no associated data type
volatile warn the compiler about variables that can be modified unexpectedly
wchar_t declare a wide-character variable
while looping construct
private declare private members of a class
protected declare protected members of a class
public declare public members of a class
register request that a variable be optimized for speed
return return from a function
short declare a short integer variable
signed modify variable type declarations
sizeof return the size of a variable or type
static create permanent storage for a variable
static_cast perform a nonpolymorphic cast
struct define a new structure
switch execute code based off of different possible values for a variable
template create generic functions
this a pointer to the current object
throw throws an exception
true the boolean value of true
try execute code that can throw an exception
typedef create a new type name from an existing type
typeid describes an object
typename declare a class or undefined type
union a structure that assigns multiple variables to the same memory location
unsigned declare an unsigned integer variable
using import complete or partial namespaces into the current scope
virtual create a function that can be overridden by a derived class
void declare functions or data with no associated data type
volatile warn the compiler about variables that can be modified unexpectedly
wchar_t declare a wide-character variable
while looping construct
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