Structure in C
l Structure
is a collection of dissimilar elements.
l Structure
is a way to group variables.
l Structure
is way to create user defined data type
sruct book
int id;
float price;
char title[20];
l Here,
book is a user defined data type.
l In
above example, structure book is a group of three variables id, price and
l We
can easily understand that these variables are of different type.
l Do
not forget to put semicolon at the end of structure body.
l Till
the structure is only defined and not actually used to create variables, no
space is allocated for these variables.
l When
defining structure, mentioning variables in structure body is not actually creating
variables (hence no memory consumed), instead we are just defining a memory
model for those variables that could be created using data type book.
Creating structure
sruct book
int id;
float price;
char title[20];
struct book b1,b2;
l Here,
we declare two variables of type book.
l Each
variable b1 and b2 will consume 26 bytes of memory space (i.e. sum of the
memory consumed by member variables)
l In
C, keyword struct should always be prefixed during each use of such user
defined data type.
Accessing members of
sruct book
int id;
float price;
char title[20];
struct book b1,b2;
printf(“Enter id, price and title of book”);
scanf(“%d%f”,&, &b1.price);
l Variables
b1 and b2 both are of type book consuming 26 bytes each, containing three
variables: id, price, title.
l Members
cannot be accessed freely, it should always be prefixed with variable of book
type and dot( . ) operator.
l We
can copy the contents of b1 in b2, as shown in the above example. This helps an
easy access to group of variables. No need of copying each and every element
one by one.
Differences between
structures of C and C++
l In
C++ a structure can have both variables and functions as members. In C a
structure can have only variables as members.
l In
C++ members can be private, protected or public but in C there is no facility
of access specifiers (Private, protected and public are access specifiers and we
will discuss them in the next segment).
l In
C++, a structure can have inheritance. On the other hand in C a structure does
not support inheritance.
l In
C++, the struct keyword can be omitted in the declaration of structure
variables, but in C, the struct keyword is mandatory during the use of
structure defined data-type.
struct complex
int a;
int b;
void getdata()
cout<<”Enter two numbers”;
void showdata()
void main()
complex c1,c2;
l In
C++, structure may contain functions along with variables as members.
l Here,
we defined four members; two are member variables (a and b) and two are member
functions (getdata() and showdata())
l Notice
that we define member variables with access specifier private. Also, member
functions with access specifier public.
l Those
members are private, cannot be accessed from outside the structure body.
l Those
members are public, can be accessed from outside the structure.
l We
can define structure in C++ exactly in the same way as we do in C. This is due
to support backward compatibility.
l If
we do not mention any access specifier for members of structure, then it is
assumed public.
Class and Structure
in C++ are similar
l Just
replace the keyword struct with keyword class.
class complex
int a;
int b;
void getdata()
cout<<”Enter two numbers”;
void showdata()
void main()
complex c1,c2;
l You
can very well understand that the definition style and accessing methods of
class members are exactly same as we did in structure example.
l The
only difference between class and structure in C++ is that by default the
members of a class are private; on the other hand, by default the members of a
structure are public.
l A
class is a way to bind the data and its associated functions together.
l In
C++, class and structure both allows the data and functions to be hidden, if
necessary, from the external use. (data hiding)
l In
C++, when defining a class or structure, we are creating a new abstract data
type that can be treated like any other built in data type.
A common question arises why concept of class exist when
structure fulfill all the requirements. The strong reason concerns maintaining
upward compatibility from C. In C++, a C-style structure is also perfectly
acceptable in a C++ program. Since in C all structure members are public by
default, this convention is also maintained in C++. Further because class is
syntactically separate entity from struct, the definition of a class is free to
evolve in a way that will not be compatible with a C like structure definition.
Since the two are separated, the future direction of C++ is not restricted by
compatibility concerns.
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