Saturday, 11 January 2014


  1. To write a Visual Basic application for calculator that will perform simple as well as complex calculations.
  2. To write a Visual Basic application for inserting and deleting strings from the list box.
  3. To develop a visual basic application for displaying the contents of the selected file using the file list box , directory list box and drive list box.
  4. To write a Visual Basic application to make a label to scroll from left to right and vice versa and change the mouse icon at each of the 8 * 8 cells.
  5. To create a menu editor with cut, copy and paste operations and search the word in the text.
  6. To create a Visual Basic application for a basic designer for drawing Line, Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse and Triangle.


  1. Activate the start menu and view the options available.
  2. See the contents of the programs option.
  3. Start a Paint Application.
  4. Start a Note pad Application.
  5. Minimize note pad Application.
  6. Maximize the paint Application.
  7. Write a small note in Note pad and save.
  8. Calculate 259650 * 7659 and see the result.
  9. Go to the Dos prompt and find out the number of files in C : drive.
  10. Go back to the windows desktop.
  11. Change the wall paper of the Desktop.
  12. Change the appearance of windows in your system by changing the color settings.
  13. Set and appropriate screen saver using the control panel.

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